Wednesday, March 9, 2011

fluid - ID Book

When I was heading to Queenstown for a week or so last year, I decided it would be work looking into some design firms and seeing if I could have a chat with someone. I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to know, maybe that was it, I wanted to find out what I didn't know, so I could make sure I learnt it at my last year of uni (this year). I went to fluid who at the time were based in the Station Building. It's always interesting to see how an agency or company will brand themselves, and this, I found very impressive. This is their ID Book, which sits at the front counter. It's essentially their own piece of advertising, the thing that people see and then smile and put their trust in a firm to design work for their own company. I have one at home (although I can't seam to find it, however you can access it online. 

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