Thursday, March 31, 2011

Advancing on last presentation

Snapshots of first computer rendered experimentations for the coca logo.

The 3 boards I had for my 1st presentation.

This was the most interesting from my presentation and the one I will work with and see what happens.

This one was looking at the idea of building the words out of cardboard cutouts which I experimented with, was much harder than anticipated. Might drop this idea?

This idea was looking at creating a font I could build shapes out of to make a 3-D object which could become the log itself. Was a bit tricky when I did attempt to build, didn't look like a word or anything at all. Could work on this one.

Taking this logo and playing with it some more to see how I can get something I like a bit more.

Examples below of how this logo can be manipulated on a page depending on what the page was for eg. The big ones appear more playful and exciting, where as when you make the logo smaller it can feel a little more serious. I think I should play with other colours and transparencies. However I do like that having 2 colours keeps it simple and clear as to what the name is. 

This idea originally stemmed from wanting to incorporate 'conversation' and quotes through the use of quotation marks. I don't think the logo represents this now, but more the overlapping of disciplines within the design field and the idea of pathways, walking up stairs (learning, growing) etc. 

Not sure about the font of the text but will work on that. Finally getting some work done (all nighter in the work office is going down at treat, NO DISTRACTIONS!! love it!).

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