Friday, March 4, 2011

Greenhouse - eco-positive cafe

Having just visited Sydney not long ago I'm disappointed I missed greenhouse by joost. Luckily I have someone who spotted it and took some pics to send me about it. Such an intriguing building, designed to be eco-friendly and self-sufficient in its self. It's really more of an example of architecture, but what it shows really well is how the values and the backbone idea of the cafe are reflected in the sheer design of the building. It's practicing what it preaches basically. 

They have a blog where you can see the progress of the place. You can also read details on how it is a waste-proof building. The other thing is, I think the building gets attention, it has a massive point of difference, it's gone to the extreme and its a big talking point. People will be intrigued as to how it functions and is a clever way to raise the topic of sustainability without harping on about it. 

"The Greenhouse is about designing and operating better places for people. Places that let us touch natural materials, understand where everyday things come from and taste fresh food straight from the garden.

Designers, engineers, builders, scientists, farmers, chefs and others are among those whose knowledge and advice have gone into every aspect of creating the Greenhouse, from the lighting, to the menu, to the fresh baked bread and the worm farm. The Greenhouse aims to harness the growing understanding of the human footprint to offer alternative solutions that tread a fine balance between functionality, sustainability and beauty.

All the features of the Greenhouse are carefully considered first for their practicality, recyclability, life cycle and embodied energy and then for their aesthetics and cost. By putting each decision through this rigorous process, it is hoped that the Greenhouse can provide information and examples to builders, designers, restaurateurs and the public, regarding their daily choices of materials, ingredients, and practices.

Nobody ever convinced anyone of anything by shouting it at them. We hope that we can quietly share some of what we have learned, and let the results speak for themselves.
We feel this excerpt from Artichoke Magazine sums up the Greenhouse mission;
“The simplicity of the structure is based on a desire to assemble and dismantle, 
should the need arise – with the minimum of financial and energy expenditure. This is central to Bakker’s design philosophy. He wants the Greenhouse to be harmless and it’s eco-impact to be positive.

Taking this very seriously, he shows mind blowing attention to recyclable detail. Each component of the building – from the beer bottles to the use of galvanised steel screws for their ease of recycling – is a testament to years of intricate knowledge, development and the cultivation of the personal micro-networks necessary to support positive impact building.”

Artichoke magazine, issue 31, May 2010

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