Tuesday, March 29, 2011

IDEA - The Designers Playground!

The cool thing about this interactive space is that you can use it to build ideas, have it as a nice place to leave someone a message, encourage and inspire people. Or it could simply be something to play with to take your mind off things, or a way of thinking in the background while focusing on something. Design is a form of play, a play with words, fabric, materials, images etc. So why not encourage this more and have a designers playground. The place you go when you get a bit stuck. Also theres the side of design which almost is run b a spontaneous fun child like perspective, the ability to think big. Creativity is playful and fun and we need to bring more of that into the university, the residue of peoples experiments becomes an instillation reflecting what goes on in the building.

Is the playground indoors or outdoors, or both? What does a playground offer and how can we reflect these elements on a designers level?

  • The x o's are on a pole so you can spin them and swap them around. 
  • It's a game, its more fun for 2 people
  • People moving objects

  • Slide - you have to climb up something to get the rush of going down the slide
  • Hard work (up), Reward when you finish (down slide)
  • Object allows you to move

  • Swing - You and object moving simultaneously, you control the movement
  • Relaxation, going with the flow, getting some time to think things through
  • Relatively effortless, gliding along
  • Seesaw - Involves two people
  • Give and take - Sharing ideas, expanding on each others ideas - back and forward
  • Park Bench - Place to observe, note what people are doing
  • Reflection, drawing on inspiration around you'
  • Time out, could be social, could be alone
  • You and the object still, staying in one place
  • Playground surrounded by space, no boundaries
  • Space to move, think, run, not boxed up
  • Playground fenced in (boundaries, block, divide)
  • As designers want to get past the mental/design block, make a break through, move forward with an idea

  • explores a fence that can be part of the playground and not just its border

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