Thursday, March 17, 2011

BLAST - Dissolving design disciplines

BLAST is a great example of how Massey Lecturers and Tutors have got together and decided to run an event for the students to expose them to some local design work. It's always inspiring to see what people not a lot older than us are doing and this gave what we are learning at uni some context in the outside world. We could also see how people worked, some as collectives with even hierarchy, some in partners and others with friends in their spare time (all having full time day jobs). The exciting part after this initial idea is that some Massey 3rd year students got to design everything for the conference, which is a great experience and chance to build up work for their portfolio's.

The girls (Alice, Elspth, Sophie, Tara and Nanz) did a great job of putting together BLAST'S advertising and promotional stuff, as well as doing the set and taking care of the general running of the conference. Such a great idea to have a conference on a topic which the teachers were trying to find out more about. At University we major in a topic weather it be: Digital, Graphic Design, Textiles, Fashion, Photography, Interactive, Spatial, Illustration, Industrial, the list goes on a bit. What some of our lectures were trying to figure out, is do the disciplines exist to the same extent outside of the University walls. So we got to hear a variety of opinions on the matter from people within various practices; With quite different ways of running their businesses. Design can cover such a range of things it seeps its way into most things, or maybe thats just how we see it because we tend to take things with a very designedly approach. This further illustrates the collaborative side of massey both in the putting together of the conference, the speakers they chose and the topics for which they chose them for. 

For a full run down on what the speakers talked about see my initial blog on BLAST that I wrote not long after I attended.

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