Saturday, March 19, 2011

Massey - Claire sharing info - Part 2

Part of the work 'Assignment' has been doing for Massey explain's how they see Massey.

Massey = the engine of the new NZ

From Forgotten Down Under to aware of our place in the world
From no. 8 wire to Creating the best with less (applying the no. 8 wire ingenuity)
From Cultural cringe to unafraid - confident in our own way
From Tall poppy syndrome to excelling without selling out
From a purely primary economy to a growing creative economy
From raw to raw sophistication

Massey would like to inspire to all people working in the creative industry. Just thinking about how many live briefs we've had the chance to work on in the last year, what if industry's started coming to Massey with jobs, 1 off projects, or class briefs because they want a fresh perspective and our input. We (Massey) could build up some really strong relationships with the design industry (I'm assuming there are already plenty we don't know about). But it's all about the experience and the connections, learning to network early on.  

Massey would like to be the best, producing the best design students in the world! They want to aim higher, be the first, do things before anyone else does, they aspire to make a contribution, to make a difference to the world. 

NZ - Wellington is a small boutique place at the end of the world, quirky, cheeky, out there people who do whatever they want and don't see any boundaries.

There needs to be an edge, give the impression there is nothing to be afraid of, and be reassuring for parents who don't regard design as important in comparison to maths and science etc.

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