Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Uni prospectuses

When I was looking to pick a university to go to after high-school I remember seeing whitecliff's prospectus. It was arty and and a designerly feel to it and it made me want to go their instantly because the book that they use to attract people to their course reflected what you would learn, and it was interesting to look at. In fact if I went home and look hard enough I'd probably still find the prospectus, because I liked it and held onto it. Looking at their current prospectus you can see it's been designed specifically for the school as a creative place. I think this is a relevant place to look into as we need to design the graphics for our new Massey building in a way which will reflect what goes on inside; so that when new students arrive for open day they see the building and know that this is where they want to be do study, that the building looks the part. 

I remember seeing some design for an overseas prospectus, I actually thought it was quite nice for a change from what we see at Massey where all the school's info books look the same. I actually looked online and ordered the Nottingham Trent University Prospectus (undergrad and postgrad) as I wasn't sure which one would have the design (or if they still used it). I've got the books at home but here is some of the work that was first designed and featured in the UK Design Week Awards 2009.

"Untitled continues its work with Nottingham Trent University, designing its Art and Design prospectus for 2008/9. The brief required Untitled to create a informative and visually stimulating book to include interactive features, a strong visual language and displays of student work. A bespoke typeface was made using 24 patterns to create letterforms. A multicoloured sketchbook section and an alphabet stencil were also included for students to personalize and create their own letterforms." - Design Week Awards 2009

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09 on the Behance Network

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09 on the Behance Network

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09 on the Behance Network

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09 on the Behance Network

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09 on the Behance Network

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09 on the Behance Network

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09 on the Behance Network

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09 on the Behance Network

1 comment:

  1. you've found some interesting projects so far – good work. it would be great if you added hyperlinks to each example so you could connect others to what you're finding.
